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Feedback following a product consultation

I turned to Jimsher from Chelidze x Partners for advice on bringing to market an IT product for generating management reporting.

During the meeting, I received constructive feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of the solution and potential risks. We worked out possible implementation options and a market entry strategy, including the creation of a comprehensive offer, rather than just selling an IT system.

I thank Jimsher for his involvement and hope for continued cooperation.

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Gratitude for speaking at the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation on the topic of a client-centric approach in the design of interfaces and processes

Gratitude for the speech on the topic dedicated to the synergy of lean manufacturing and digitalization


Feedback on the results of cooperation at the Go Digital Eurasia conference

Jimsher showed himself to be a versatile, erudite and experienced moderator. He interacted well with the audience, quickly responded to surprises in the program, strictly adhered to timing, and also actively attracted people back to the halls during breaks. As part of his speech, he conveyed complex things in simple and understandable language for the audience.


Feedback from students on the course "Management of quality processes in an enterprise. Requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard. Advanced training"

Feedback from students on the seminar "Fundamentals of Project Management"

Reviews for the project management course_edi

Letter of gratitude following the project implementation

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Thanks for the webinars from the Business Insight business school

Videos are available at this link

Thanks for cooperation from SmartGoPro within the framework of conferences where we acted as moderators. presenters and speakers

Feedback based on the results of 6 months of mentoring with the founder of Red Line Logistic

Together with Chelidze x Partners, we began cooperation in November 2021. The starting point was problems in business: I didn’t understand how to get out of the operating system, how to start a company to grow steadily, how to set tasks correctly and ask for them, how to motivate people non-financially, plus I always had non-conservative views and wanted to become a more modern and digital company.

We chose the path of change through mentoring. Over the 6 months of cooperation, I developed my management and leadership competencies. We have moved on to a fundamental restructuring of the business, starting with the organizational structure and work with business processes, unlocking the potential of employees. Thanks to this, my workload with operational tasks decreased by 50%. Now I can deal with long-term business development tasks and building a partner network. At the same time, as it turned out, my employees are completely independent professionals who know how to work and take initiative.

Based on the results of the 1st stage, I decided to continue cooperation and further build systematic work, and then move on to a full digital transformation.

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Gratitude for conducting educational webinars for entrepreneurs of Novosibirsk

Gratitude for speaking to students of the Financial University about the Government of the Russian Federation

Student Council Fin. University at Ave. RF
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Gratitude for speaking at the 5th All-Russian practical seminar "Urban planning activities - 2022"

The video is available at this link

Feedback from a client on the results of cooperation as part of the transition to a new direction - IT product manager

I met Jimsher as a mentor when I received a product at the pilot stage with the task of bringing it to the market and starting to make a profit. At that time, I knew about what product management was from studying several articles.
During our first conversation on this topic, Jimsher began asking a lot of questions about the product, some of the answers did not satisfy him and he asked more and more questions in the direction where I began to swim. Then I realized where I have problems with understanding and what I still have to face and what to pay attention to.
After that, we called each other more than once and I began to have more questions. Jimsher helped us understand the main stages of a product’s life and provided a lot of interesting and useful material (including from his website). He pushed me to develop monetization hypotheses and, in general, every conversation with him gives new thoughts about the product, and most importantly, does not allow me to mark time. We discussed several approaches to solving problems and I was able to quickly choose the one that suits me; on my own, I would have had to study all this much longer and I’m sure doubts would have slowed me down for a long time.

Gratitude for the series of webinars on digital transformation and systems approach

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Gratitude for the speech on the topic of the use of digital technologies in construction, as well as the use of data from the operational stage for the design and construction of new facilities

Feedback on the results of cooperation within 2 projects

My name is Aleksey.
I crossed paths with Jimsher at work 2 times.

  1. Together we helped develop the last-mile delivery startup Check Box. Jimsher demonstrated analytical thinking, quickly navigated all the nuances of the business, prepared a number of proposals for optimizing and systematizing business processes, correctly foresaw the development of relations with a key partner and prepared a scenario in advance to prevent a crisis.....

  2. I work at the Novaya Zarya company, and I turned to Jimsher for his opinion and recommendations. He carried out an analysis that coincided with the real situation and prepared recommendations on what changes needed to be made to work to get out of the difficult economic situation. Unfortunately, management and owners turned out to be not interested in global changes and reform of production activities.

    In general, I believe that Jimsher, as a consultant and business partner, is worthy of high praise and deep respect as a specialist...
    Among the advantages, I can specifically mention the ability to quickly analyze, multitask, and find and solve business problems in the company.

Reviews on the Professionals 4.0 platform

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