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Digital Leader Competencies

If we do not have the necessary competencies, we are doomed to introduce expensive toys. But now there are no normal programs for heads of business units overseeing digitalization.

Никто не будет давать ИИ полный контроль над какой-то сферой
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Как будут использоваться персональные данные граждан?
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Кибербезопасность: не пропадут ли люди в ловушках нейросетей?
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Digital technologies and lean manufacturing. Synergy and practice

Material published in LEMANS 2022/2023. Operational efficiency: lean manufacturing, quality management systems and IT solutions.

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Transition to domestic software: where to start?

Recommendations for competent implementation of import substitution in terms of software on the VTB portal "Closer to the point"

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Briefly about what a minimum viable version of a product is and why a business needs it, on the VTB portal "Closer to the point"

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Sometimes thick, sometimes empty

How shortages in different segments affect markets and digitalization

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Green and sustainable. Is the ESG agenda relevant today?

Prospects for the development of ESG, including as an anti-crisis tool in management

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Personnel decide everything: in search of specialists for the development of BIM technologies

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Machine vision improves the efficiency of production processes

Prospects for the use of machine vision technology in industry

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Artificial intelligence will help solve small business problems

On the use of digital technologies for small business tasks and improving the quality of management

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Replacement therapy: what is happening with BIM and TIM technologies


There is such a figure: the construction market is migrating to virtual space

On the digitalization of the construction industry and the introduction of a digital ruble

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Where is his button?

Together with partners STC Efficiency shared their opinions on the future, digitalization, and robotization in warehouse logistics

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Smart City: customer care as a core competency

Together with partners STC Efficiency shared their opinion on the future of digitalization of cities and the development of the domestic software market, import substitution


Watchful waiting carries enormous risks

We are talking about one of the most pressing issues of today - import substitution of Western software products

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A decision was made to create a working group on TIM for linear objects

About the new initiative of the Ministry of Construction to create an environment of common data in construction

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Cold spring 2022

How to deal with digitalization in new economic conditions


Industry goes digital

Article in Kommersant about pitfalls on the path of digitalization and digital transformation


Coexistence of manual labor and digital tools

What challenges does digitalization bring for blue-collar jobs?


We transfer IT infrastructure to the clouds

Conference on the relevance of transferring enterprise IT infrastructure to the cloud


Fifth most innovative

Current status, application prospects, problems on the way to 5G technology, and what will happen in the near future

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