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Have you decided to transform your company?





We will identify key constraints and determine the target state and priorities for:


  • key processes and approaches to decision making;

  • working with the team and optimizing the organizational structure, taking into account the psychological qualities of employees and the specifics of the company;

  • implementation of digital technologies, taking into account the specifics of the company and global trends in your industry;

  • product offering and branding.

We will accompany you on the path of transformation:


  • We will develop the first person’s competencies to minimize involvement in the operating system to 5-10 hours a week;

  • We will train staff on the necessary tools;

  • We will hold a strategic session and make it a regular tool;

  • We will help you adapt your product/service, brand, marketing, incl. we will prepare the necessary materials and speak at public events;

  • We will select digital solutions and act as intermediaries in communication with suppliers;

  • we will hire and introduce the necessary people into the work process;

  • we will build or optimize key business processes and organizational structure;

  • We will accompany you as speakers at public events.


Let’s consolidate competencies and prevent backsliding:

  • We will prepare a knowledge base and our own competence center;

  • We will act as mentors for the first person and key employees for 12 months;

  • We will continue public support.

We minimize risks, save time and resources


Are you creating digital products?




We will study the product and company, prepare recommendations for:

  • forming and training a team, building an organizational structure;

  • product offering and product development, marketing strategy and materials, branding;

  • building key business processes

We will accompany you:

  • we will build key processes from scratch;

  • we will train people and build an organizational structure, hire and introduce the necessary people into the work process;

  • We will develop a marketing and product strategy, prepare the necessary materials, and speak on behalf of the company at public events and in the media;

  • We will participate in negotiations with partners and clients to analyze client requests and search for growth points.

Let's consolidate the changes and build competencies:

  • We will create a knowledge base and a competence center;

  • We will act as mentors for key employees for 12 months;

  • we will continue public support

You will create a sought-after product with minimal costs, build a management system and reach a stable level, or provide a profitable start-up exit for investors

Individual offer

If you have a deep crisis and do not have resources for support services, then we have an individual solution - a business partnership.

Write to us and find out more about the offer.
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